
Significant transformation zones in the land use plan

Autor team

Jan Aulík and Jakub Fišer using some works developed by their students in the framework of the school program of parallel briefs given at the Czech Technical University (CVUT Prague) and UMPRUM



Project description

Significant transformation zone can be, among others, characterised by plenty of empty or inadequately used areas of peripheral qualities that, nevertheless, find themselves inside the city. These zones are vital for the future of the city. In the case of Prague, the transformation zones establish a geometry of a not entirely regular circumferential character. In case of other larger cities, the geometrical form can differ, yet for an analysis of a city it is important that a higher concentration of transformation zones and areas establishes continual structures of a citywide scale. The so-called central ring is just one of the geometrical effects of these continuous structures whose character is much more general. We choose the term continuous structures of transformation zones/souvislé struktury transformačních území (SSTÚ) to define them more precisely. With other categories of the research, we characterise SSTÚ as a system of individual micro-tiers establishing clusters on the scale of an intermediate level. Continuous structures of transformation zones establishing areas of a larger scale than locations in cities are their worst failures and, at the same time, their highest potential.