About us
Aulík Fišer architekti, s.r.o. is an architecture practice using long term and deliberately various scales in the design of urban structures, buildings, and smaller installations, and exhibitions. Most built projects, most of them office buildings, are concentrated in the BB Centrum in Prague-Michle. AFA architects designed also public amenities in this complex – Sportovní centrum Brumlovka (2007), Společenské centrum (2009), Náměstí Brumlovka (2018), and the school Pavilon Baarova (2018). Other built office buildings, aside from the BB Centrum complex is the Na Vítězné pláni building (2009) or the Prostupný kancelářský blok Palmovka in Prague-Libeň (2019) consisting of a listed hall converted to a restaurant, and an exhibition area. The mixed-use Bořislavka centrum in Prague 6 was completed according to the project by AFA in 2021.
The largest built residential project is Terasy Červený vrch in Prague 6 (2000). The last completed residential project is a mixed-use house in Zenklova (Prague 8). AFA designed many other residential compounds in different regions of the Czech Republic (Brno, Jihlava).
AFA’s architects also focus on designing very small concepts –homes (Myšlín, 2009, Kunratice, 2009, Dům u Berounky, 2016, Vila Průhonice, 2018), interiors (Red Pif wine restaurant, 2010), and exhibitions (Sacral buildings in the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery(GJF), 2016; Adolf Born in Sovovy Mlýny, 2017; Prague – Tokyo 1920-2020 in GJF, 2021).